
Jair's Home (DCC RPG or MCC RPG Setting)

Created by Electi Studio

Jair's Home is a village built amongst the remains of a massive robot. Inhabited by mutant possums with psychic powers and led by the charismatic Jair. Compatible with Mutant Crawl Classics.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

August Update
29 days ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 03:56:22 PM

Pledge manager update: 
The pledge manager went out, and 94% of you have responded so far. That's going to keep us moving quickly here. 

Digital Copies of PDF coming soon:
We're excited to share that we're in the final stages of layout design, and the PDF will be ready for you within the next week or two. Thank you for your continued support!

Late Pledges at the Pre-Order Store are available!
While we wait for information to start trickling in, we've opened up the Pre-Order store. If you missed the campaign and would like a chance to grab the book/miniatures this will be live while wait for addresses to come in.

Visit the Pre-Order Store

July Update
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 12:28:09 PM

We've got a quick update for you this month: 
We sent a smoke test for our Pledge Manager, and if things go well, the Pledge Manager will go live next week so we can start the process of taking addresses and making a plan for shipments.

Pre-Order Store Is open!
While we wait for information to start trickling in, we've opened up the Pre-Order store. If you missed the campaign and would like a chance to grab the book/miniatures this will be live while wait for addresses to come in.

Visit the Pre-Order Store

June Update
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 05:43:35 PM

Hello Backers!

We are inching closer to finalizing the packaging. We have weighed all our miniatures and estimated the packaging, and we have sufficient information to release the survey sometime this month. Once we get the survey sent, we'll also open pre-orders for anyone else who wants to tag along as we prep for fulfillment.

Pledge Manager Progress
Submitted for review with the BackerKit team.

Layout Updates
The layout has been postponed to focus on cost, weights, and measures of final packaging and miniatures. 

May Update
4 months ago – Sat, Jun 01, 2024 at 01:30:14 PM

Hello Backers!

My apologies for the late update on Jair's Home! We've been going through a longer-than-estimated vetting process to select our model vendor, but we're really happy to announce that AAXL will be handling the production prints. They are close friends of mine who are local and have been investing in new printers and cleaning tech. I am very excited about their ability to support us well. We've been dialing in the supports and are happy to say we are getting closer to the final quality. See WIP samples of what we've been doing below:  

Pledge Manager Progress
In order for me to open up the pledge manager I need to finalize packaging. I stalled a bit on packaging because I didn't have prints. Now that we have them I can start the process! 

Meeting with Goodman Games
This week, I'm meeting with Goodman Games in person (we're located pretty close to each other) to discuss distribution strategy and retail support.

Layout Updates
The layout has been postponed to focus on cost, weights, and measures of final packaging and miniatures. 

April Update
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 11:16:48 AM

Hello Backers!

Thank you again for your trust and support. I wanted to keep you informed about what's happening behind the scenes, even though none of it is particularly exciting.

Layout Updates
Our layout was mostly finished when we started, but I wanted to slow down and give it a facelift before sending it to the printer. Slowing down a bit to do another pass is ALWAYS worth it and makes the end product so much better. So, thank you for your patience!

New Printer
We've sourced a really exciting new printer in Latin America that should make importing and shipping a breeze.

Access to Distributors
Also, we're excited to announce that we'll work with Goodman Games to help Electi products reach distributors and make it easier to find or order our stuff from your local retail stores.

Pledge Manger Progress
We're still setting up the pledge manager as we're finalizing quotes and taking sample measurements and weights.